Delamode Baltics ranked in top 20 of Verslo žinios transport & logistics company list

10. 03. 2019

Due to Lithuania’s continuing success in the transport market the country has become a serious player in the European freight transport market.

The country’s economy is largely based on transport and transit, and the importance of this industry is growing each year. This is evidenced by the fact that currently, road transport generates over 10% of Lithuania’s GDP, which is the highest indicator of the last ten years. In this respect, Lithuania ranks among the top European Union countries.

As such, we are once again pleased to announce that Delamode Baltics has been ranked highly in 19th position in Verslo žinios list of best performing transport and logistics companies in Lithuanian, with 127 companies ranked in total.

To find out how Delamode Baltics can help you with your transport requirements, please contact us via any of below methods:

[email protected]

+370 5 205 2128 

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